;;; CMSC 331 HW4, Spring 2011. YOUR NAME HERE, YOURID@UMBC.EDU (define (pass) ;; this is a a dummy function. You should replace calls to it with ;; your own scheme code null) (define (countZeros aList) ;; returns the number of zeros in a given simple list of ;; numbers. The input will be a (possibly empty) list of ;; integers. For example, (countZeros '(0 1 2)) should return the ;; value 1. (pass)) (define (findMinMax aList) ;; returns a list consisting of the smallest and largest values in ;; the list. For example, (findMinMax '(0 1 2)) should return the ;; list (0 2) (pass)) (define (chopList aList) ;; takes a list and removes the last element of the list. For ;; example, (chopList '(0 1 2)) should return the list (0 1). Make ;; sure that (chopList '()) returns the empty list (pass)) (define (unravel aList) ;; takes a list with possible many nested sublists, and returns a ;; list with all atoms at the top level. For example, ;; (unravel '(1 (2 3) (a (b c)))) should return the list (1 2 3 a b c) (pass)) (define (eqStruc l1 l2) ;; tests for the structural equality of two input lists. Two lists ;; are structurally equal if they have the same list structure, ;; although their atoms may be different. For example, the lists '(1 ;; 2 3 ) and '(4 5 6) are structurally equal. The lists '(a (b c) d) ;; and '(a b (c d)) are not structurally equal. (pass))