Simple Language for CMSC 331

You're being asked to use Lex and YACC to create a parser for the Gimli language. You can use the Java, C, or Python flavors of Lex and YACC. (On Linux you can use flex and bison.)

I'll provide some skeleton code, which is under construction at this moment.

Here is a sample Gimli program.

int x;
read x;
print x+3-17;
if x > 6 then print "greater than 6"
else "not greater than 6";
while x>5
print x;

Grammar for Gimli

Here is the grammar for Gimli, written in a form on BNF. Note that "program" is the start symbol in this grammar.

program : startStmt statements endStmt
statements : statement ( ";" statement) *
statement : declaration | assignmentStmt | readStmt | printStmt | call_stmt |ifStmt
startStmt : "start"
endStmt : "end"
ifStmt : "if" expr "then" statements "else" statements
whileStmt : "while" expr statements end
declaration : ("function" | "int" | "float") identifierList
call_stmt : identifier "(" argumentList ")"
argumentList : argument | (argument "," argumentList)
argument : expr
read_stmt : "read" (identifier)+
print_stmt : "print" (string | expr)+
assignmentStmt : identifier "=" expr
expr : expr relOps expr
expr : expr logicalOps expr
expr : "(" expr ")"
expr : term addop factor
expr : term
addop : "+" | "-"
term : factor multop term
term : factor
multop : "*" | "/" | "%"
relOps : "<" | "==" | ">"
logicalOps : "and" | "or" | "not"
factor : identifier | constant

in the Lex file, make sure you have rules for


string, e.g. "I am a boring string"

integer constants

comment "/* a bunch of text */", "/*"[a-zA-Z 0-9]*"*/"

operators and other terminals that appear in the grammar, such as "(" ")" "+" etc.